Friday 9 September 2016


Well, here it is September again. And, down here at the London Silver Vaults, that can only mean one thing…….LAPADA!
As summer winds down and summer holidays become a distant memory we, here at I Franks,
begin to focus on what is, surely, one of the most glamorous events on the antiques calendar.
What is fantastic about Lapada is,  it gives people the opportunity to see what is exciting and unique this year ,not only silver, but all other mediums as well.

Saturday 11 June 2016

The Lighter Side Of Sssilver

Today’s blog inspiration has come to me because one of our items, here at I. Franks, is about to have a star turn on television. 
On Thursday the 16th of June if you tune into  BBC One you will find a production hosted by Fern Britton entitled ‘For What It’s Worth’

Saturday 14 May 2016

Pick Up Victorian Style

When browsing around down here in the vaults you will  notice a large selection of various silver cases in the shops.
At first glance most people assume that most of these might be cigarette cases but, upon closer inspection,you soon realise they are far too slim to hold a cigarette.

Saturday 23 April 2016


Until this week most people may  have assumed that the Queen’s birthday is in June when her birthday is marked by the Birthday Parade in her honour, known as Trooping the Colour. This is a public occasion where her Majesty, members of her family and the general public gather to watch troops from the Household Division march past Her Majesty with the mounted troops taking precedence.

Saturday 9 April 2016


Java, Joe, Jitterjuice….whatever you choose to call it, there is no doubt that coffee is as popular, if not more so, than it’s  ever been.
At the moment, within 1 minutes walk from the London Silver Vaults, there are more than a dozen places where you can get a proper cup of coffee. The competition doesn't seem to stop anyone from opening new ones either, with our most recent two opening within a week of each other and close enough to throw a bean at.

Saturday 19 March 2016

Bear With Me

I have a bit of a celebrity in my midst here at I.Franks.
If you have been watching any telly over the past couple of months you might of seen him.
There is a British period drama airing on ITV at the moment , Mr. Selfridge, which tells the story of Harry Gordon Selfridge, set in London, beginning  in 1910.

Saturday 5 March 2016

The Chatelaine, A Victorian Must-have

These days we don’t have to search far to find new gadgets that are meant, somehow, to improve our lives and become items we simply can’t live without.

Having the next must have, can’t live without, item may seem like a new phenomenon but it goes back further than you might think.

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Good Morning Britain

Well, What’s that I spy on the table?
Yes, that would be one of our very own kettles, enjoying a moment of fame on This Morning,
in a segment in which the presenters have to guess which, out of a selection, has the highest value.